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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/11/2017

Chichester Conservation CommissionMonthly Meeting

2nd Thursdays at 7 pm
 DRAFT Minutes of Meeting May 11, 2017

Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Present:  Blaze Konefal,Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Jim Eggers, Bob Mann, Marianne DiTaranto, Frank Harrison.   Guests Gail and Charles Britton-Kojigian.  

Call to Order at 7:00 pm.

Public Hearing opens at 7:01 -  Withdrawal of not to exceed $21,500 from the Conservation Fund to pay costs related to an easement on the Spaulding Town Forest. Following an explanation of the history and reason for the project, our guests stated their reason for attending, which is interest in understandingt the project and the conservation process in general.  No comments specific to the project were received.   Hearing closed at 7:13.

Other Spaulding TF business:   Blaze noted that the back boundary between private parcels on Hutchinson Rd. and theSTF is flagged and easily followed.

Motion by Gordon to approve withdrawal of not to exceed $21,500 from the Conservation Fund (not Shirley Waters funds) for costs related to the conservation easmentment on the Spaulding Town Forest, second by Dawn.  All in favor.

Blaze explained the three survey quotes received including clarification of services offered by SP Perron (marking of corners and digital and plat products included).  Motion by Blaze to accept proposal and award contract to SP Perron, second by Gordon.  All in favor.  Blaze will contact Perron and process the contract.

Wait and see outcome of the grant application to Merrimack Conservation Partnership, submitted by 5RCT on town's behalf, to discuss grant terms.

Parking and trails on Spaulding land to be discussed at June meeting.   Possible use of Forest Management account would require Town Meeting approval. Goal may be to develop plans and costs inpreparation for that approval.

Minutes of both public (minor changes) and non-public meetings of 4/13/17approved.

Mailbag. Notice of monthly interest onConservation Fund CD $162.50.   This CD will not be renewed per Blaze conversation with town treasurer.

June2-3 NH Lakes Association meeting in Meredith

Public outreach.  Frank updated us on the Interactive Mapping project.    Further news in upcoming meetings.

Marianne will determine if any additional materials are needed for the July 29 Trail Maintenance Workshop (UNH Extension).  Rocks and other materials already on hand.  Motion by Marianne to approve up to $150 from the Conservation budget line to subsidize town residents' attendance ($15 perperson), second by Dwan.   All in favor.    July 29 is also date for the Chichester Garden Tour.

Land Conservation.  Discussion of looking into 4 ac parcel still in the Shirley Waters estate.  Limited development potential.  Bob will contact the realtor to get anupdate.

CarpenterPark. Frank is working with others to develop a plan for space around the newsnack shack.  

Tentative work day on June 4, 1:30-3:30 to remove invasives.   Dawn to contact Zack and Suncook Sun regarding the work day.   Gail andCharles may attend. 

Easement stewardship.  Walks on the Drinon, Blackman and MSCA may begin next week.   Blaze to email his stewardship plans.   Blackman easement will be discussed at June meeting.

Other business.  Marianne will look into possibilities of  inviting non-voting youth CCC members.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57 pm.  Next Monthly Meeting: Thursday, June 8, 2017at 7 pm, Public Invited.

Notes by Marianne, draft minutes by Bob.

